Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday Gaga

I started vomiting real bad on Thursday night. Twice in fact. I didn't eat dinner at all. Day 2, Friday, I went to work, tried to take some bread and milk, by 11.30am++, I had to tell my superior that I'm going back home because I really, really, didn't feel good. And so I left the office around that time. I thank God I went home because I threw up not long after that. Total count, I was threw up 5 times between 1.30pm till 7.30pm. It was really bad, especially the last 2 vomit because it came out all yellowish and greenish and tasted acidic.

We went to the clinic, and thank God for Abby cause she was supposed to take some stuffs from me, and she sent us to the clinic near our old place (as the rest were mostly closed), doc asked if I wanted a jab or oral. I chose oral, thank you. Hahaha. Abby sent us back home again! Thank God for friends! It really saved us the time as well as the inconvenience to wait for the bus. Thanks, babe! We owe u lots!

Hubby was kind enough to start cooking porridge for me, as I needed to take the porridge water. Every 10 mins, he came in, and I took in 2 sips (acc. to doc's instructions), until about midnight, when I was better, I did it myself until I fell asleep and not feel hungry.

The next morning, he went out to the market to get for me sweet potatoes and ginger to cook porridge with as well. So I was on the porridge practically the whole day even when my mum came around noon. I'm grateful to him because I know he's really busy studying for his exams next week and I was interrupting his schedule. :P

I was so glad that mum came by. It meant a lot when you're in this condition. :) She just sat with me in the room the whole day, chatting and watching movies together. I guess it was time well spent. Hehehe.

I am getting better today, Sat, Sun, today, so far no vomits at all. If there is, one thing a sister and mum reminded me is just to pray against it when the feel comes in. I was on the pill since Friday, so, am slowly not taking it once I'm ok on my own.

When mum left this morning, I think I had tears welled up in my eyes. The same thing that happened when she arrived on Sat morn.

For those of you who have not lived away from home, you probably won't understand this feeling. But in my entire life, even when I was schooling and busy going for camps and all that, I never once had the attachment to home as much as I do now. Even for the past 2.5 years being here, I never missed home this much. Ha. Probably because of the condition I'm in now.

Well, another cross-road in our lives. To go back or to stay. We can only pray. :)

Note: Thanks to all my dear church-mates who knew about my condition and have been praying for me. Praise God, I'm much better now! God bless you!

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